Molding and mushy decor: nice condominium in GoteborgMolding and mushy decor: nice condominium in GoteborgMolding and mushy decor: nice condominium in GoteborgMolding and mushy decor: nice condominium in GoteborgMolding and mushy decor: nice condominium in Goteborg

Molding and mushy decor: nice condominium in Goteborg

Molding and mushy decor: nice condominium in Goteborg

This Swedish apartment completely combines the austerity of a basic inside with the softness of recent Scandinavian decor. On one facet we see elegant moldings on the partitions, vintage tiled range, French parquet flooring. However, designers used a relaxed pastel palette of grey and milky shades, Scandinavian furnishings with picket parts, and plenty of textiles. The condominium turned out to be stunning and comfy!

See additionally: Small attic condominium in Goteborg


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